Monday, June 11, 2007

Get the number right!

A recent email that I sent to Roanoke Times columnist Joe Kennedy about problems with local phone books:

Hi Joe,

Hope all is well with you.

Your recent columns on the phone books were interesting. But I would settle for phone book/books that have correct listings.

Our latest dilemma? One of the directories has the WDBJ Weather Department number (777 3265) listed as the Roanoke County non-emergency police number (which is actually 562 3265)

The confusion seems to stem from the fact that most Roanoke County police numbers do indeed start with 777.

Needless to say, this has resulted in some interesting phone calls, especially on Friday and Saturday nights.

Some hang up immediately after we answer "Weather Department" and immediately call back, over and over and over as if somehow they'll get the right connection eventually.
Some hear our greeting, pause and then tell us their story anyway. As soon as the caller says "I have a restraining order on my husband" we politely interrupt and get them the police number.
Some are completely amused by this mistake and insist on sharing their needs and concerns without any desire to connect with police. Perhaps they think the TV station is their advocate.

Who knows, maybe some day we will get a breaking story. But I doubt it. I hope the 2008 phone books do better!

Warmest regards,

Robin John Reed, CBM
Chief Meteorologist
WDBJ-Digital Television

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